Rev. Paraman Barsel

Rev. Paraman Barsel

Reverend Paraman Barsel has been a disciple of Sri Swami Satchidananda since 1970. He has served as president of Yogaville West, the Washington D.C. IYI, New York IYI, and Yogaville East in Connecticut and has served on the Board of Trustees and Spiritual Life Board...

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Rev. Bhavani Metro

Rev. Bhavani Metro

Rev. Bhavani is a devotee of Sri Swami Satchidananda since 1973 and an ordained Minister of Integral Yoga since 1980. Over the last 40 some years she has lived at Satchidananda Ashram serving the community in many ways. Her most notable role is matriarch of the Metro...

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Rev. Kumari de Sachy

Rev. Kumari de Sachy

Rev. Kumari de Sachy has been practicing Integral Yoga since 1980 and teaching Integral Yoga Hatha since 1981. She moved to the Ashram in 1986 and was ordained as an Integral Yoga minister in 1995. She has taught Hatha Yoga, Yoga philosophy, and meditation in colleges...

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