

Minister Bio

Rev. Ishwara Cowan, Ph.D. is a longtime IY practitioner, instructor and lecturer. He joined San Francisco IYI on its first day of inception. He was a co-founding member of IYI of California, Inc. and the very first Yogaville, located in Lake County, CA.  At Yogaville, Santa Barbara, on July 19, 1980, Ishwara was ordained by Sri Swami Satchidananda as one of the first 8 IY ministers. In California he was a frequent host and assistant of Sri Gurudev and is the author of  the Amazon book, The Calm Lake Satchidananda. He was appointed as the first president of Yogaville, Virginia when it was in its early formative stage and later served as developer and sponsor of Lotus Inn Guest House. Dr. Cowan currently serves on the IY Ministry Board. He takes delight in helping to advise and assist people, groups and communities.  

Ishwara holds a UC Berkeley triple Ph.D. and has taught at San Diego State, Cal State, LA, University of Virginia and University of San Diego. He was president of a consulting firm, master developer of Lake Reynovia in Charlottesville, VA, Madera in Florida and Home in Sequim, WA and the founder/owner of Doe Bay Resort and Retreat Center, Washington State. He has consulted with many public and private clients such as the City of Santa Fe, US government, Fannie Mae, Union Pacific, Shell Oil and Brevard County Florida. 

“Ish” places particular personal emphasis upon karma yoga and jnana yoga as aspects of Integral Yoga. He likes to season his interactions and service with a liberal dose of good humor.